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All the help you need when you need it

isontheline maintainer of WebSSH

Hey there πŸ‘‹ I'm isontheline maintainer of WebSSH, the awesome iOS / macOS SSH, SFTP and Port Forwarding client that you use everyday!

Whenever you need to make a bug report, or want to share an idea for a new feature, or just have a question about how to use WebSSH, I'm never very far : feel free to contact me by email or on GitHub

Have a nice day β˜€

26 - Train πŸš‹

If you encounter any catastrophic bug πŸ›, it's time to submit a bug report for the upcoming milestone. You can also learn about features added / changed / removed inside the next version of WebSSH. Of course you can Enroll to Beta Releases in order to reach the stars ✨

Last update: April 7, 2024