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What's mashREPL?

It's a small Read Eval Print Loop that allow you to run local commands inside your iOS and iPadOS device!

Available commands

Command Since Comments
awk 14.6 Standard input not supported yet, only piping and redirection
cat 14.6 Standard input not supported yet, only piping and redirection
cd 14.6
cp 14.6
curl 14.17
date 14.6
dig 14.6
du 14.6
echo 14.6
env 14.6
find 14.6
head 14.6
host 14.6
ifconfig 14.6
ls 14.6
lua 14.6 Standard input not supported yet, only piping and redirection
malte 21.0 Little Text Editor with a GUI
mans 23.2 Network Scanner "like" nmap
mkdir 14.6
mv 14.6
nslookup 14.6 Standard input not supported yet, only piping and redirection
openurl 14.6
open 14.6
ping 14.6
printenv 14.6
pwd 14.6
rm 14.6
route 14.6
sed 14.6 Standard input not supported yet, only piping and redirection
setenv 14.6
sort 14.6 Standard input not supported yet, only piping and redirection
stat 14.6
tail 14.6 Standard input not supported yet, only piping and redirection
tar 14.6
touch 14.6
uname 14.6
unsetenv 14.6
uptime 14.6
webssh 14.6
wc 14.6 Standard input not supported yet, only piping and redirection
whoami 14.6
whois 14.6

Last update: June 19, 2024